Vtiger PHP Extension Loader¶
Extension Source provides the ability for publisher to protect the source code on the installed server.
You need to install the PHP Extension freely made available on your server.
1. Installing Loader¶
3 simple steps to install the loader on your server
Identify and download the appropriate php-extension file that matches (php-version and OS).
Copy (vtigerextn_loader_X.Y_os_arch.so) into php-extension directory.
Enable vtigerextn_loader as zend_extension
2. Example¶
For Ubuntu on 64-bit with PHP 5.4 installed - appropriate download file would be - vtigerextn_loader_5.4_Linux_x86_64.so
phpinfo() reveals the extension directory. From CLI we can find php -r “phpinfo();” | grep “extension_dir”
Copy the extension file to /usr/lib/php5/20100525
Create /etc/php5/conf.d/vtigerextn_loader.ini with following content zend_extension=/usr/lib/php5/20100525/vtigerextn_loader_5.4_Linux_x86_64.so
Restart Apache