This example will walk you through the use of Server APIs (accessing records) of Vtiger 7 Framework.
Server APIs should be used when you are accessing records of any module. It takes care of retrieval with access control (Sharing access & Profile access) setup for the logged in user.
Using direct SQL queries for retrieving records may open-doors for users to gain access to records that they do not have permission to view.
Vtiger 7 installed on your server (assuming it would be used for development).
PHP CLI is setup to be invoked from the command prompt or terminal.
Gone through module development docs: Develop Extensions For Vtiger
<vtigercrm> - root-directory / document root where Vtiger 7 is installed.
http://<vtigercrm> - web entry access.
You can download “” from here.
Step 1: Create files¶
Switch to your working directory (say.. Desktop) and create the following files.
Step 2: manifest.xml¶
Edit manifest.xml and fill in basic information required for getting the extension installed in Vtiger.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Step 3: Module Class¶
Update the module class file (modules/Slideshow/Slideshow.php).
class Slideshow {
public function vtlib_handler($moduleName, $eventType) {
if ($eventType == 'module.postinstall') {
} else if ($eventType == 'module.enabled') {
} else if ($eventType == 'module.disabled') {
protected function _registerLinks($moduleName) {
$thisModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance($moduleName);
if ($thisModuleInstance) {
$thisModuleInstance->addLink("HEADERSCRIPT", "SlideshowShared",
$leadsModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Leads');
$leadsModuleInstance->addLink("LISTVIEW", "Slideshow",
$contactsModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
$contactsModuleInstance->addLink("LISTVIEW", "Slideshow",
protected function _deregisterLinks($moduleName) {
$thisModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance($moduleName);
if ($thisModuleInstance) {
$thisModuleInstance->deleteLink("HEADERSCRIPT", "SlideshowShared",
$leadsModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Leads');
$leadsModuleInstance->deleteLink("LISTVIEW", "Slideshow");
$contactsModuleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
$contactsModuleInstance->deleteLink("LISTVIEW", "Slideshow");
vtlib_handler is invoked by ModuleManager with specific $eventType. The javascript & links on Leads & Contacts module is registered / deregistered accordingly.
Step 4: View Class¶
Edit modules/Slideshow/views/List.php - showcases retrieval of target module records using Server APIs (vtws_query)
/* Include dependency required for using Server API */
include_once 'include/Webservices/Query.php';
class Slideshow_List_View extends Vtiger_Index_View {
public function process(Vtiger_Request $request) {
// Current User Context
$userContext = vglobal('current_user');
$viewer = $this->getViewer($request);
if ($request->has('ids') && $request->has('src_module')) {
// Was request made for the slideshow - lets act now.
// Prepare Webservices Query
$srcModule = $request->get('src_module');
$ids = array_map('intval', $request->get('ids'));
$idsuffix = trim(vtws_getWebserviceEntityId($srcModule, '0'), '0');
$wsids = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) $wsids[] = $idsuffix.$id;
$wsquery = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id IN ('%s');",
$srcModule, implode("','", $wsids) );
// Execute the query and fetch records
$records = vtws_query($wsquery, $userContext);
// Pass the records for rendering the slideshow.
$viewer->assign('RECORDS', $records);
$viewer->assign('SRCMODULE', $srcModule);
$viewer->assign('COUNT', count($records));
$viewer->view('ListViewContents.tpl', $request->getModule());
Step 5: Javascript Hook¶
Edit modules/Slideshow/js/SlideshowShared.js
jQuery.Class('Slideshow', {
viewSelected: function() {
var listView = Vtiger_List_Js.getInstance();
var nothingSelected = listView.checkListRecordSelected();
if (nothingSelected) {
alert('Nothing selected!');
} else {
var selectedIds = listView.readSelectedIds(false);
var excludedIds = listView.readExcludedIds(false);
if (selectedIds.length) {"index.php?module=Slideshow&view=List&ids="+
}, {});
Step 6: Slideshow Renderer¶
Copy to modules/Slideshow/js/remark.min.js
Step 7: View Template¶
Edit layouts/v7/modules/Slideshow/ListViewContents.tpl
{if !$RECORDS}
<center><h1>Welcome to Slideshow<h1>
<h4>The support is enabled through Javascript for Leads & Contacts!</h4></center>
<script type="text/javascript" src="modules/Slideshow/js/remark.min.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.remark-slide h1 { font-size: 30px; }
.remark-slide em { font-size: 18px; }
#page { display: none; }
<!-- Prepare remarkjs friendly source -->
<textarea id="source">
class: center, middle
{foreach item=RECORD from=$RECORDS}
Field | Value
---- | ---
{foreach key=FIELDNAME item=FIELDVALUE from=$RECORD}
class: center, middle
# Thank you
<!-- Trigger rendering on the client-side -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var slideshow = remark.create();
jQuery('table').addClass('table table-bordered');
Step 8: Default i18n¶
Edit languages/en_us/Slideshow.php
$languageStrings = array(
'Slideshow' => 'Slideshow'
Add all the string constants used by the module - required for i18n support.
Step 9: Package files¶
zip -r manifest.xml modules/Slideshow/Slideshow.php modules/Slideshow/views/List.php modules/Slideshow/js/SlideshowShared.js modules/Slideshow/js/remarkjs.min.js languages/en_us/Slideshow.php layouts/v7/modules/Slideshow/ListViewContents.tpl
Refer to Package Structure
Step 10: Install in Vtiger¶
You can import through Module Manager UI.
The module is now installed and ready, you can find it under All > Tools section.
Navigate to Leads / Contacts ListView > Select Desired Records > Click Slideshow under Actions